I'm so sorry about your knees! And despite your pain, the play is great fun, as I knew it would be when Tenente Allocco still needed a name. I think you should keep Puntarelle's name as is, though putting "Rome" in there would certainly draw more armchair travelers and expat wannabes. I say do what you want and don't pander to subscriber/views numbers.

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Trouble is people read "puntarelle" and expect recipes... 8 people unsubscribed after this very issue of the newsletter, and it's annoying because I know that's because of that... 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Oh, in that case maybe sending a new message is a good idea. I'm not sure about the "alone" part of "Rome Alone," though, again for messaging reasons. Will people think it's advice for solo travelers? Though I do like the assonance!

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Sep 9·edited Sep 10Author

I'll think about that, perhaps it won't be "Rome alone", but... Why do people expect Italians only to talk about food? 😅

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Sep 10Liked by Giorgia Meschini

Puntarelle is a nice name. I was hoping for writing in Italian when I subscribed, but I keep reading because I enjoy your voice, and your stories about life in Rome. I don't get there as much as I would like, and I am not likely to relocate there full-time ever, but it has always had a pull on me. When I do travel, it's always alone, but I never look for advice (maybe I should). Heartfelt condolences on the loss of your sister.

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Sep 9Liked by Giorgia Meschini

You always make me smile.

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What a spectacular event in Viterbo-- I was there in June and loved the town, but had no idea that things got that dramatic there. Amazing. Glad you weren't doing any of the heavy lifting with those knees.

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Thank you Alan Zisman for pointing out that 5400 kilos are in fact 12,000 pounds and not 120,000 — my mistake! 😅

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I like the name Puntarelle and didn't know it was a food. I like what and how you write and I hope you will keep your newsletter as it is!

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